Call Schedule
Medicine Service
Each medicine team consists of one resident from each PGY level. Junior residents (PGY1, PGY2) alternate admitting patients from the ER, staying for a full 12 hours with their PGY3 resident. Every resident gets 1 day off per week. The night float team takes over the remainder 12 hours.
Pediatric Service
The inpatient pediatric resident team is comprised of one resident from each PGY level. Call days are 12 hours, 7am to 7pm. Junior residents alternate days being on-call for admissions, PGY-3 resident will be on-call with the PGY-1 resident. The night float team will cover the nighttime admissions.
PGY-1 residents cover the L&D inpatient service in 12 hour shifts (either day or night) for 5 days. PGY-2 and PGY-3 residents on OB rotation cover one 24 hour shift per week (8 shifts total in three years).
The night float team consists of a senior resident and a junior resident. PGY-1s start night floats second half of the year paired with a PGY-2. They cover admissions and acute management of patients for the adult medicine, ICU, and pediatric services. Night float rotations are 7 days straight.