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What Makes Our Program Special ?

Doctor's Desk

Dynamic Curriculum

As residents progress through their three years of training, they transition from inpatient-focused rotations to outpatient-focused rotations. Though our mission to to train primary care physicians, our strong inpatient training has produced multiple hospitalists straight out of residency.

Addiction Medicine
In collaboration with community resources and local government, our program trains residents to initiate and continue substance use disorder treatment. Our program is evolving towards more community outreach, including Street Medicine Clinic.


Care of LGBTQ+ Community 
Rainbow clinic was born in 2018, founded by our alumni and faculty. â€‹Our residents are given ample opportunity to take care of LGBTQ+ community to promote valuing inclusivity and diversity. 

Image by Mihály Köles

Serving the Underserved
Modesto has a large migrant, immigrant, refugee and homeless population, these social determinants make them high-risk patients. Serving in Modesto is an opportunity to help bridge care gaps for these groups. Their complex medical needs challenge our residents and equip them for their future career.

Areas of Concentration​​

Our curriculum allows residents to tailor elective time to pursue a specialty focus within family medicine. Residents work closely with a designated mentor in the area of concentration (AOC). A certification is granted at time of graduation. Previously completed AOC include but are not limited to Women's Health, Addiction Medicine, Urgent Care, Diabetes, and Pediatrics. Below are some electives we offer:  Sports medicine  Women's health/ OB Addiction medicine/ Street medicine   Procedure clinic/ Wound Care Integrative Medicine/ Lifestyle Medicine Hospital Medicine/ ICU Cardiology Nephrology Infectious Disease Optometry Newborn/ Peds/ NICU Urgent Care Hospice/ Palliative Practice Management Global Health

Behavioral Health​

Our behavioral health faculty Dianna Galvan leads our residents' education for behavioral health whilst ensuring residents' wellness. Not only do residents learn how to effectively communicate with patients, they also learn how to self-reflect, receive feedback, participate in Balint group and ensure their own wellness (massage days!).


We hold half-day didactics & interactive learning every Wednesday morning. Wide range of specialists are invited to speak to residents, enhancing their skills in primary care. Workshops for in-office procedures such as suturing, toenail removal, Nexplanon are offered. In preparation for Boards Exam, review sessions are also routinely held.

Night Float

A pair of residents (One PGY1 and one PGY2 ) make up our night float team. The team cover medicine, pediatrics, and ICU services overnight. Senior members provide support and teaching to the junior resident as they increase their skills and autonomy.


We value our residents' wellness- we cannot take care of patients if we don't take care for ourselves. Wellness days are designed into residents' schedule quarterly. Our Behavioral Health faculty Diana Galvan also routinely checks in with residents to provide full-support.

Scholarly Forum

Every year, residents work in teams with our faculty mentors to carry out quality improvement project PDSA (Plan Do Study Act) projects. Residents are also required to present a topic of choice at our Annual Scholarly Forum. Our Annual Scholarly Forum is unique to the region, attracting other programs' residents to participate as well.

Valley Consortium for Medical Education

1400 Florida Avenue, Suite 102

Modesto, CA 95350


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